TELEVES 562421 is a multiband amplifier with selectable cutoff filter for 4G or 5G interferences. It is for MATV systems and features separate amplification that guarantees the absence of intermodulation among inputs. Equipped with 4 inputs: FM-VHF-UHF-UHF. The UHF and VHF inputs have both selectable gain margins, with switched configurable gain (high/low), and high output level whereas the FM input has a single amplifying stage. Equipped with a switch for LTE790 or LTE700 filtering, an output LED signal indicator for immediate network failure detection and Test output (-30 dB). EasyF connection system, high-screening Zamak chassis and Switch-mode power supply ensuring low power consumption.
Technical Features:
- Inputs 4: UHF_1, UHF_2, FM, VHF
- LTE CUTOFF switch for 5G (UHF 49) or 4G (UHF 60) interferences
- ON/OFF DC pass switch on VHF and UHF inputs for pre-amplifier or Televes BOSS system powering. DC: mA 200/ max. 400, 12V
- LED indicators to display the presence of output signal
- Bandwidth 5G: [adjustment position LTE700 for 5G] MHZ UHF: 470 ... 694, FM: 88 ... 108, VHF: 174 ...400
- Bandwidth 4G: [adjustment position LTE790 for 4G] MHZ UHF: 470 ... 790, FM: 88 ... 108, VHF: 174 ...400
- Outputs: 1 main and 1 TEST output: -30db
- Output level (DIN 45004B): dBµV [UHF 1 & 2] 116, [VHF] 114, [FM] 113
- Gain, db, High/Low switch: UHF 1 & 2: 36/26, VHF 34/24, FM 15
- Low/High gain switch for UHF and VHF
- 0 to -20db individual attenuators
- Noise figure: dB VHF 4, FM 6, UHF1-UHF2: 10
- Power supply: 220 - 230 V / 50-60 Hz
- Power consumption: (without input powering) W/mA 4.6 / 55, (with input powering) W/mA 7.5 / 82
- Ground terminal connection
- Operating temperature: -5 ... +45 C
- Protection index: IP20
- Easy installation design
- Dimensions: 103 x 103 x 50 mm